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Is there connection between happiness and healthy skin?

According to Dr Howard Murad the skin is the largest sensory organ, meaning there is an elaborate web of interconnections, called the neuro-immuno-cutaneous-endocrine (NICE) system, which links nervous system, immune system, cutaneous (skin), and endocrine functions, all of which are important to physical, emotional, and mental health.

Simply put, our skin reflects our emotional state.

Since our skin and our emotions are so closely connected, it’s not surprising that our skin is profoundly affected by stress. But our skin is also profoundly affected by positive emotions, such as love, excitement, and happiness.

This is where the hormone dopamine comes in. In fact, if Dr Murad had to pick a single reason for the connection between happiness and beautiful skin, he suggests dopamine would be it.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that:

👏🏻Ensures communication between neurons

👏🏽Affects brain processes that control emotional response

👏🏿Plays an important role in feelings of desire and pleasure

👏🏻Increases microcirculation to the skin

👏🏽Improves recovery of the skin barrier (the skin’s protective function)

👏🏿Produces an immediate exhilarating effect.

In short, dopamine is the biochemical pathway to an improved complexion and increased wellbeing.

All in all, lower stress, higher dopamine = happier, healthier skin!

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