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How To Win: Top tips on writing a winning award entry

Updated: Feb 2

OK, so you’ve decided to enter The Skinlympics – well done, you’ve taken the first step towards rewarding yourself with the attention and recognition that your brilliant work deserves. Now all you have to do is write the actual entry.

Here at The Skinlympics, we know exactly what normally happens next. You’ll make a note to start your entry whenever you get a spare minute, then leave it untouched for weeks. A few days before the entry deadline, you’ll get a reminder that it's due and the whole thing will be thrown together in a mad rush that fails to do truly shout about the client outcomes you've achieved.

There is another way. Writing award entries doesn’t have to be either difficult or time-consuming but it does take focus and planning. Here are a few tips for making the whole entry writing process as painless and effective as possible:

1. Understand the Criteria:

Before you start drafting your entry, carefully review the award criteria. Understand what the judges are looking for and tailor your submission to align with these key elements. Address each criterion explicitly, providing specific examples and evidence to support your claims.

2. Tell a Compelling Story:

Your award entry is more than just a list of achievements; it's a narrative that should captivate the judges. Craft a compelling story that highlights your journey, challenges overcome, and the client impact of your achievements. Engage the judges emotionally, making them feel connected to your story.

3. Quantify Your Success:

Numbers speak louder than words. Whenever possible, quantify your achievements with concrete data. Whether it's an increase in hydration levels, customer satisfaction reviews, or a treatment journey result ahead of plan, use facts and figures to substantiate your success.

4. Highlight Innovation and Uniqueness:

Showcase what sets you apart from the competition. Emphasise any innovative approaches you've taken on the treatment journey, groundbreaking ingredients/products, or unique suggestions you provided to your clients to achieve your goals. Demonstrating originality can leave a lasting impression on judges.

5. Be Concise and Clear:

Judges often have to review numerous entries, so clarity and conciseness are crucial. Present your information in a clear and structured manner. Avoid unnecessary jargon and focus on communicating your message effectively. Ensure your entry is easy to read and understand.

6. Provide Testimonials and Endorsements:

Include testimonials from clients, or colleagues to validate your claims. External endorsements add credibility to your entry and demonstrate the real-world impact of your achievements.

7. Emphasise the Impact:

Clearly articulate the impact of your achievements on your clients, industry, or business. Discuss how your success has made a difference, whether through increased confidence, positive business bookings, or other meaningful outcomes.

8. Proofread and Edit:

A polished entry reflects professionalism and attention to detail. Before submitting, carefully proofread your entry for grammatical errors, typos, and inconsistencies. Consider seeking feedback from peers or colleagues to ensure your submission is flawless.

9. Stay Authentic:

While it's important to highlight your accomplishments, authenticity should be at the core of your entry. Be genuine in your storytelling, and avoid exaggeration. Judges can often discern when a submission lacks authenticity.

10. Submit Early and Follow Guidelines:

Don't wait until the last minute to submit your entry. Give yourself ample time to review and refine your submission. Ensure you follow all guidelines and requirements outlined. Late or incomplete entries may be disqualified.

Writing a winning award entry requires a strategic approach, a compelling narrative, and a commitment to showcasing your achievements in the best light. By understanding the criteria, telling a compelling story, emphasising client impact, and adhering to guidelines, you can increase your chances of standing out and claiming the recognition your hard work deserves.

So, go ahead, craft your masterpiece, and let your success shine on the stage of acknowledgment.

How to win: top tips on writing a winning award entry
Photo by Vlada Karpovich

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